Three meat-free years

It’s World Vegetarian Day.
I am only a vegetarian because as of today that’s what I’m used to and it’s what I want for myself. It is inspiring to try to find new recipes and test out new flavors to make being vegetarian even more giving. The World Vegetarian Day was originated by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977 and endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978.
I have been meat-free for about 3 years now, since 2013. I do eat fish, egg and drink milk but I don’t eat meat or chicken. Whether you’re a vegetarian, meat lover, vegan or one of the other many names for food eaters these days, you may find one of these recipes interesting.

Here are my favorite recipes that I’ve made:

Norwegian waffles
Serve them in a stack or decorate them individually. Find your favorite toppings and get creative! The possibilities are endless!


Homemade raspberry jam
This is just a pleasant reminder of how easy yet tasteful you can make jam. The only thing you’ll need is raspberries!


Oat biscuits with apple and cinnamon
Perfect as a snack whenever you feel like it, whether you’re out on an evening stroll, enjoying a cup of tea or coffee or just relaxing.



Avocado soup with green onion
This soup is different from any other soup I’ve tried before. It’s served cold and with a fresh and cooling effect.


Nut Bread with raisins and apricots
This combination is so good! Nuts and dried fruits are a classic combination.

Tomato soup with basil
Tomato soup is a classic and here’s the recipe I use.


A sunday spent baking
There’s something special about waking up on a sunday morning and the whole house spelling of freshly baked buns or baking them yourself in the morning listening to your favorite tunes with no distractions.



Sparkling apple drink
Fresh and delicious apple drink to serve with your favorite spring dish or as a welcome drink for a spring party.


Pear smoothie with lemon and ginger
The combination of lemon and ginger is wonderful and good for your throat if you’re feeling ill. I probably need one right now.


Carnival buns
We have a tradition here in Scandinavia where we celebrate what we call Fastelavn. Better known as part of the carnival. Fastelavn is on the Sunday seven weeks before Easter Sunday. Serve the freshly baked buns with whipped cream and sprinkle powdered sugar on top, and they’re good to go. A great occasion to get together with friends and family for a lovely celebration.



And for any celebratory occasion
Vegan feast roast


Do you have any recipes to recommend? Feel free to let me know. Hope you’re having a wonderful day!
x Live Henriette ©
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Instagram: LiveHenriette
Youtube: Live Henriette
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